
Menampilkan postingan dari Agustus, 2020


  IBid's review of the e-commerce platform The Online Auction Platform is intended to sell goods to increase growth and development. Many products can be purchased better and very efficiently. The Online Auction Platform helps bring together buyers and auctioneers without using distribution channels or middlemen.    Since the beginning of the auction era in the global market, the demand for online auction platforms has increased rapidly. Due to the high demand for online Auction platforms in the global market, Many people have been ripped off, cheated, cheated, or went bankrupt. Some are victims of fraud. There is no standard platform yet on which auctioneers and buyers can 100% trust.    But the good news is here -   iBid   ; iBid not only identifies problems, requirements and requests, but also manages to formulate profitable solutions to ongoing problems. iBid has identified innovative solutions to most of the fast growing glo...


  ASLAdex is a decentralized exchange for trading digital cryptocurrencies Tidak ada teks alternatif yang disediakan untuk gambar ini These kinds of exchanges include trading one digital money for another, buying and selling coins, and trading fiat cash into crypto. This is a bit like remote trading, where fiat monetary standards from around the world are exchanged 24 hours a day. The number of cryptocurrencies has exploded in recent times and evaluations recommend that there are over 2,000 currently present. Many of these coins must be acquired using significant digital currencies, for example, Bitcoin or Ethereum. In line with this, you may need to make an exchange if you need to add to the initial coin contribution (ICO,), or take advantage of the administration of a blockchain organization. One of the advantages of crypto exchanges is that you can enter without mining the coins yourself - a procedure that requires investment, vitality, special abilities and a lot of huge proces...


   ASLAdex adalah pertukaran terdesentralisasi untuk perdagangan cryptocurrency digital Pertukaran semacam ini termasuk memperdagangkan satu uang digital untuk yang lain, membeli dan menjual koin, dan memperdagangkan uang tunai fiat menjadi crypto. Ini sedikit mirip dengan perdagangan jarak jauh, di mana standar moneter fiat dari seluruh dunia dipertukarkan 24 jam setiap hari. Jumlah bentuk uang kriptografi telah meledak pada akhir-akhir ini dan evaluasi merekomendasikan ada lebih dari 2.000 yang hadir saat ini. Banyak dari koin-koin ini harus diperoleh dengan menggunakan mata uang digital yang signifikan, misalnya, Bitcoin atau Ethereum. Sejalan dengan ini, Anda mungkin perlu melakukan pertukaran jika Anda perlu menambah kontribusi koin awal (ICO,), atau memanfaatkan administrasi organisasi blockchain. Salah satu keuntungan pertukaran crypto adalah Anda dapat disertakan tanpa menambang koin sendiri – prosedur yang membutuhkan investasi, vitalitas, kemampua...