
Menampilkan postingan dari Maret, 2021

Magic Balancing

  Magic Balancing Magic Balancing Decentralized Finance is a topic of conversation because of the innovative character of its services which are inclusive (everyone can get the same service, without minimum transactions), open source (transparent, everyone can contribute), non-custodial (service providers do not store data and do not have access to funds from customers) and does not have an intermediary because it is regulated by a smart contract so that it saves a lot of costs and has very flexible space in determining interest rates for both lenders and lenders. introduction Magic Balancer is a deflationary governance DEFI token that rewards active users via a smart contract protocol, while seamlessly integrating transaction rewards with the liquidity rebalancing feature. MGB tokens are designed to be sustainable and maximize their value by actually deflating and encouraging users to be active while offering great rewards.  Each MGB allocated reward token never jeopardizes t...

Magic Balancer

  Penyeimbang Ajaib Penyeimbang Ajaib Keuangan Terdesentralisasi menjadi topik perbincangan karena karakter inovatif layanannya yang inklusif (semua orang bisa mendapatkan layanan yang sama, tanpa minimum transaksi), open source (transparan, semua orang dapat berkontribusi), non-kustodian (penyedia layanan tidak menyimpan data dan tidak memiliki akses dana dari nasabah) serta tidak memiliki perantara karena diatur oleh smart contract sehingga menghemat banyak biaya dan memiliki ruang yang sangat fleksibel dalam menentukan suku bunga baik bagi pemberi pinjaman maupun pemberi dana. pengantar Magic Balancer adalah token DEFI tata kelola deflasi yang memberikan penghargaan luar biasa kepada pengguna aktif melalui protokol kontrak pintar, sementara secara mulus mengintegrasikan imbalan transaksi dengan fitur penyeimbangan kembali likuiditas. Token MGB dirancang untuk berkelanjutan dan memaksimalkan nilainya dengan benar-benar mengalami deflasi dan mendorong pengguna untuk aktif sambil m...


  KNIT.Finance is the next generation of the DeFi protocol  KnitFinance is a unique decentralized protocol that combines synthetics across multiple chains, Bridges and real-world markets with yield, lending, trading and margin services via smart contracts.  It also provides cross-chain liquidity aggregation in a 100% fully transparent verifiable manner.  Community-led initiatives. KNIT.Finance is the next generation of DeFi protocol which aims to bridge multiple non-Ethereum chains with ERC20 in Phase 1. Any lockable digital asset can be exploited with KNIT.Finance by generating synthetic tokens equivalent in 1: 1 ratio, hence unlocking billions of dollars and access to trade that could prove censorship. Anything that is decentralized must be available to anyone and everyone.  But DeFi currently relies mostly on the ERC-20 token.  The ERC-20 standard has proven to be the main choice for decentralizing lending, lending, and agricultural yields, etc.  Ho...