
Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2022


  AUFIN DEFI: Allows you to earn passive income in cryptocurrencies without the need for manual intervention. Aufin was founded on changing things for the better - literally.  We are here to improve the lives of those around us by making them more financially secure and creating a means through which they will be able to take care of themselves and their loved ones if necessary. Aufin is an AI-driven blockchain protocol powered by a new class of Artificial Intelligence: Cognitive Computing.  Aufin defines a data structure called Cognitive Object, to store valuable data.  Cognitive Objects are linked together in immutable blockchain-based graphs, and can be queried, updated, and shared by third parties.  This enables a new form of open data that is decentralized, transparent and accountable.  Aufin provides on-demand and trusted data by facilitating a marketplace where data providers can monetize their data and data consumers can buy the data they need from trusted sources.  Aufin has a


  FIRST CROSS-CHAIN ​​DEFI PLATFORM 3.0 #blockchain #BSC #DeFi #Crypto #Airdrop #Presale #cryptocurrency #Staking Exchange coins between blockchains in seconds, manage your assets without paying commissions and earn passive income up to 3.67% daily, invite friends and earn more AUTOMATIC Just hold on to your assets and earn up to 3.67% every day DEFIDEX SWAP Every holder who has at least 1,000,000 DFT in their address will receive various tokens which will be exchanged on our exclusive DeFidex Swap exchange PRE-SALE DEFIGO DefiGo (_ $DFT_ ) has a unique burn event built in where tokens are burned hourly until their price reaches $0.005 per one DFT REFERENCE CAMPAIGN Register and receive a welcome gift of 20,000 DFT + 10,000 DFT for each referral The only continuous Auto-Staking & Auto-Compounding 3.0 Protocol Buy-Hold-Earn DFT Tokens with rebase every 15 minutes APY Remains Sustainable — 392.537% Guaranteed prices and rewards with Risk Free Value of trading fees Easy automatic Stak


 Darth is the leading DeFi protocol on #BSC Decentralized finance or Defi caused a revolution in the financial industry.  Crypto holders can lock or stake their tokens on the Defi website and receive interest rates that most find impossible.  The tools that the Defi company uses to generate these high returns are financial algorithms and a token staking strategy called the protocol. Defi 1.0 introduced a different version of this protocol which is now attracting billions of capital, and has built many of the best performing cryptocurrencies.  The Defi 2.0 protocol promises token holders a greater level of simplicity and security and the best fixed returns from staking. DARTH developers have introduced the DARTH Auto staking Protocol (DAP), a Defi 2.0 protocol that offers perhaps the best suite of benefits for stakes in the industry. DARTH Auto Staking Protocol (DAP) — Safe, Fast, APY Highest Fixed DAP provides token holders with simplicity, security and consistently high returns on the


 Stormyield – Next Generation Crypto Yield Protocol Höchste feste APY on Crypto With the innovative Storm Yield Protocol, STY swept through the Defi industry, offering a decentralized financial asset that pays investors a continuous, compound interest rate.   Buy, hold and earn $STY for APY remains the highest in cryptocurrency, plus every 5 minutes.   Keep an eye on your portfolio as it grows faster than light in your wallet. The STY DAO platform is a platform where users can create personal profiles, follow other users, consume content and earn STY tokens by doing so.  Users can also customize the STY tokens they hold.  Token customization is done by the user spinning the STY wheel and winning back some of the tokens used to spin.  The wheel will have a certain percentage of the total token supply and will be distributed evenly to all users.  The wheel will be available on the platform for users to spin daily, and users can use the tokens they win to customize their tokens.  The toke